How to Know if a Michael Kors Handbag is Fake or Real
Today, one of the most popular brands for designer handbags is the Michael Kors handbag collection, and it is easy to see why: the variety of the collection as well as the quality of each MK handbag is first class. Sadly, it is because of this fact that lots of manufacturers are producing replicas and fake versions of the collection. Because of this, it may be hard to tell a real Michael Kors bag from a fake one. So how do we know if an MK bag is real? Read the guide below:
Whether it be a Michael Kors Jet Set Tote, a Michael Kors Monogram Tote, a Michael Kors Canvas Tote, or any other bag from MK, the stitching should be perfect and evenly done. Should you find any loose threads and irregularities in the stitching pattern, then this is a sign that it is not a real Michael Kors bag.
Honeycomb Pattern
Another method to determine if an MK handbag is real or not is by checking out the lining. See if the color of the MK logo and the base material of the honeycomb pattern is the same color or if there is an obvious contrast in the color. Fake Michael Kors totes will have logos that are considerably darker than the honeycomb pattern surrounding them.
Made in Country Tab
Most new authentic MK bags usually have a tag that tells you what country it was made in. It can be found sewn on the lining. Some of the vintage Michael Kors bags will not have the date code, though, and it will only feature the country tab. Among the countries Michael Kors bags are produced in include China, Indonesia, Vietnam, USA, Italy, Turkey, Philippines and Bangladesh
Finally, you should look closely at the Michael Kors logo to check if the font, spacing and the location is uniform to original ones which you may search for on the net. Also make sure to check the quality if it has a nice, even finish or if there are some disparities.
Quality should never be compromised when it comes to bags because not only are counterfeit and replica bags poor in quality and not built to last, but there has also been numerous reports stating that the manufacturers of these fake designer bags actually use the money for funding drug cartels, mafias, gorilla warfare and terrorism such as the famous 9/11 World Trade Center bombing.
Now that you know the things to look out for when buying a Michael Kors Handbag, nothing should stop you from getting the real thing, and to here to convince you further to get an original handbag is a discount from Supreme Deals Manila! Get a Michael Kors Signature Tote with Jet Set logo in brown or vanilla at 24% and 23% off respectively only at Supreme Deals!