How to Make Women Want You: Dating Tips to Make Her Say I Love You
In today’s modern times of women empowerment, some men may find it hard to know what it is exactly that a woman wants. The woman of your dreams may want to be treated as an equal but this does not mean that you can skip the chivalrous acts. Below are some useful tips on how to make women want you:
Offer to pay for the first date but allow her to pay if she insists.

Since time immemorial, men have always been expected to pay for the first couple of dates. However now that women are getting equal rights, job opportunities and income, it’s reasonable to allow women to pay if she insists. First dates are getting to know stages where you still don’t know if you like her or if there will be more dates in the future. As such, it’s okay to let her pay for her share. However, once you are going steady, it will be nice for the man to pay for the bigger portion of the dates as a token of your appreciation for her.
Help her put on her jacket.

Even feminists of today appreciate it when you show your concern and affection through doing gentlemanly things. When you’re going out, get her jacket and hold it out behind her so she can easily put her arms inside it. Pull it over her shoulders and wrap it around her.
Show her that you can protect her.

Always keep in mind that even the littlest things are important. Make women want you with nice gentlemanly gestures. Speaking of chivalrous gestures and actions, another good way to express your love for the girl you want is by showing her that you can protect her. And what better way to show your knight-in-shining-armor potential than by learning how to fence? Check out this fencing deal discounted today at Supreme Deals.
Hold the door open for her.

Regardless if she can open the door on her own or not, opening a door for the ladies signifies that you respect and care enough for her to allow her to enter a door first while you trail behind her. It means you are thinking about her first before you think about yourself. Open not just establishment doors but also car doors for her.
Help her carry her things.

If it looks like she might need a hand with the stuff she’s carrying, offer to carry some of her stuff. It shows that you care and that you want to help ease her burden, especially if you are not carrying anything and she is. Be polite in offering help by saying “Can I help you?” rather than saying something like the load is too heavy for her.
Order dessert to share.

When dining out at a restaurant, after eating the main course, ask her if she wants dessert. She’ll most likely shake her head no but just the same, order something you can share between the two of you which you know she will like anyway. She will appreciate this.
Help her with her chair.

You don’t need to do this all the time but on special occasions, it would be nice to help her with her chair. Pull out her chair just enough for her to get in between the chair and the table, then once she’s about to sit down, move the chair behind her closer to the table so she doesn’t have to do it.
Make her comfortable around your friends.

When you bring her to get-togethers, before talking and hanging out with your friends and family, make sure that you introduce her first to everyone. Also make her feel comfortable by seeing to it that she is by your side, and not behind you, and make sure that she has rested a bit from the journey before introducing her to all. To prep her up for the introductions, give her a brief background on the names, relations and other important details about each person a day or hours before you let your friends and family meet her.
Walk her home.

Because the word is not the safe haven we want it to be, it’s a man’s duty to make sure that his girl friends, date or any other woman he has just gone out with is able to come home safe and sound without being sexually harassed, catcalled, or irritated by rude men along the way. By walking her home, you reduce the unwanted attention a girl alone on the streets at night can possibly encounter. By walking her home, you secure her physical and mental safety.