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4 Famous Legends of the Chocolate Hills in Bohol

legend of chocolate hills bohol

One of the must-see tourist destination spots in the Philippines is the Chocolate Hills in Bohol. With more than a thousand of these beautiful mounds, it comes as no surprise that visitors come from all corners of the country and the globe just to marvel at its beauty. And as with any suburban place, Bohol also comes with folktales and legends. Here are the top 4 stories you will often hear being told by the Boholano locals:

Fight Between Giants

In this myth, there was once two giants who got into a fight with each other. Fearing for their lives, the village people left to evacuate into a safer part of the island. Meanwhile, it rained as the giants fought. The giants stomped their feet on the ground, made big mud balls from the soil and water and hurled it at each other. The fight went on for days until finally the two giants became exhausted. They were so tired that they decided to stop fighting and became friends. However, they forgot to clean up the mess they made while fighting, hence the Chocolate Hills now existed.

Gluttonous Carabao

The second legend tells of a giant carabao who had the habit of always eating all of the root crops of the townsfolk. Fed up with their hardly toiled root crops being taken away all the time by the carabao, they decided to gather all their spoiled food and present it as a trap for the carabao to eat. Shortly after, the carabao indeed ate the spoiled food and this caused him to excrete everything he ate until his stomach ws empty. The dried up feces he left behind was said to form the Chocolate Hills we know today.

Biggest Loser

A similar story is about a giant called Miguel who eats everything he comes across in his path. One day, he went to a plain where he saw a beautiful lady named Adrianna and he immediately fell in love with her. However, to be able to win her love, he needed to lose weight. So he expelled everything he ate, littering the land with his fecal matter which is now known as the Chocolate Hills and finally, he won Adrianna’s heart.

Crushed About His Crush

The final folklore features another giant named Arogo who fell in love with a mere mortal being called Aloya. When it was time for Aloya’s death, Arogo took heart and mourned it so much that he could not stop crying. The Chocolate Hills today are said to be Arogo’s tears when it dried up.

It’s fun digging up folktales and myths of our land as well as soaking up on the unique culture and heritage of each village. And for those who wants to see the legendary Chocolate Hills for themselves, head to Supreme Deals and score your own discount on a travel tour package!

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