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Skin Care, Makeup and Preparation Tips for Graduation, Prom, and Weddings
March and April usually brings in lots of important events for both family and friends such as graduation, prom, debut, weddings, and...

Ear Candling: An Alternative Way of Ear Wax Removal
For those who always get ear wax but are not too keen on getting a needle inserted in their ear, an alternative form of ear wax removal...
The Rise of Korean KPop and Why Everyone Is Hooked
From children to teenagers to fully grown adults, the appeal of KPop to the masses just can’t be denied and proof of this is seeing your...

Best Hair Care Tips for Healthy Hair
All of us at one point in our lives have wished we were born with healthy hair that shines like silk. Having gorgeous hair not only makes...

Simple Japanese Words You Can Use
For those who are absolute fans of Japanese anime, cherry blossoms, or anything Japanese, learning simple Japanese words and learning how...

Why You Should Go on Adventure Tours with Nature
Some people have second thoughts about travelling thinking that it is an unnecessary expense when they could just spend their free time...

How to Say No to Someone
With Valentine’s just a few days away, more boys and girls are bound to suddenly come out into your line of vision (or pop out in your...

Best Valentine’s Day Celebration Ideas
February is synonymous with Valentine’s Day celebration and letting our loved ones know that we appreciate all that they have done for us...

Year of the Rooster 2017 Prediction and Tips
Year of the rooster 2017 is happening soon and I’m sure that all of us will benefit from knowing what to expect this year as well getting...

How to Look Younger and Fresher
Since time immemorial, looking our best has been a top priority for most of us. A lot depends on how we look… someone’s first impression...
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